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Loan Against Fix Deposit

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50%    Eligibility Applicant/s and/or Guarantor/s required to have permanent residence in Surat district  Applicant/s & Guarantor/s should complete age of majority as per Law of India   Repayment Capacity ( Total Annual Income – Total Approx Annual Exp. – Total Annual Loan Liabilities (EMI*12) =…

Loan Against Property for Commercial property purchase

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50%    Eligibility Applicant/s and/or Guarantor/s required to have permanent residence in Surat district  Applicant/s & Guarantor/s should complete age of majority as per Law of India   Repayment Capacity ( Total Annual Income – Total Approx Annual Exp. – Total Annual Loan Liabilities (EMI*12) =…

OD Against Property/Working Capital

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50%    Eligibility Facility Provide on Realizable Value of Industrial and Commercial Property up to 70%, on Residential Property up to 80% & on Property. If Running Business than Project Finance up to 75 % and New Business than Project Finance up to 50 % Working capital Requirement…

OD/Loan Against Bank’s own Term Deposit Receipt

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50%    Eligibility As Per BOARD RESOLUTION OF 13/04/2018, AGENDA NO.  08 (In Bye –Laws) such as   Loan/Overdraft against, Fix Deposit. 90% of Principal Value of Own bank’s Fix Deposit Receipt/s Specific Sanction Terms and Conditions:- (A)    Original TDR with bank’s lien marked  should be kept with Bank…


Limit per Borrower:  90% of Surrender Value No. of EMIs:       Is Applicable from time to time(B.O.D. reserves right to change according to repayment capacity of applicant). Rate of Interest: 7.75% to 8.50%  Guarantors: NIL Eligibility 1. 90% of surrender value of LIP of LIC and other PVT. Company policy…

Hypothecation against Machinery

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50%    Eligibility  Where the Combined GTI of applicant, co-applicant(s)  = 70% Is less than Maximum Income Not chargeable to tax      = 50% Is more than MINCT (Minimum Cut) but less than Rs. 8Lacs = 40% Others  = 30% 70% of GTI +…


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