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3044-47, Abhishek Market,

Ring Road, Surat-395002
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  • OD/Loan Against Bank’s own Term Deposit Receipt

OD/Loan Against Bank’s own Term Deposit Receipt

Rate of Interest : 8.50% to 9.50% 



As Per BOARD RESOLUTION OF 13/04/2018, AGENDA NO.  08 (In Bye –Laws) such as  

Loan/Overdraft against, Fix Deposit.

90% of Principal Value of Own bank’s Fix Deposit Receipt/s

Specific Sanction Terms and Conditions:-

(A)    Original TDR with bank’s lien marked  should be kept with Bank for security purpose.

(B)    Rate of interest will be charged @1 % Extra on & above the Rate of Fix Deposit Receipt.

Processing Fees :-  Processing Fees 0.50 %on sanction amount + GST on PF

Guarantors:- Two guaranters (who holds permenant residence in surat district)

4.Maximum Loan Amount & Margin: Individual housing loans up to a maximum of Rs.60 lacs per beneficiary of Dwelling unit. Subject to prudential exposure limits of RBI from time to time.

Period of Loans:

  • Housing loan may be repayable within a maximum period of 20 yrs. Including Moratorium  of repayment holiday.
  •  Processing Fees : –  Processing Fees 0.50 % on Sanction Amount  + GST on PF
  •  Moretorium: Home Loan for construction maximum 18 month and as per guideline of RBI from time to time.
  • Till completion of consturction, or 18 months from the date of disbursement of first installment of the loan which ever is earlier.
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